Benefits of accreditation

Benefits and value for regulators:

Accredited bodies performing conformity assessment services meet all required standards, as well as regulatory requirements and sector specific criteria, in terms of technical competence, independence, impartiality and integrity, as well as risk management. Accreditation and the services provided by accredited bodies, used directly by regulators as a reference in regulations, demonstrate effectiveness in:

  • supporting implementation of European or national legislation, providing a "stamp of approval" showing compliance with standards and widely accepted requirements
  • qualifying suppliers of goods and services, especially on the procurement market
  • enhancing trade and economic growth
  • supporting cost efficiency through reducing the need for regulators to employ their specialized assessment personnel and avoiding duplication of audits
  • simplifying the procurement process based on demonstrated competence and impartiality as decision-making criteria.

Benefits and value for industries and economies

Accreditation helps businesses to reduce costs, increase productivity and access new markets. It also helps to build customer confidence. Accreditation provides the last level of public control in a quality chain underpinning the free movement of goods in the Union. For businesses using the accredited services can:

  • make it easier and less expensive to export and access new markets because once tested or certified by an accredited body, should be accepted on the foreign markets
  • be an essential tool for decision-making, risk management and supplier selection in order to contribute to the operational efficiency of businesses
  • give a competitive advantage in domestic markets through access to public sector contracts
  • increase the confidence of consumers who want to trust in the goods and services they buy and use.

Benefits and value for Conformity Assessment Bodies

Accreditation is an effective marketing tool. It is a „passport” for submitting tenders to contractors that require independently verified organizations. Thus, accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies can benefit from:

  • better visibility on the market, while EA and its National Accreditation Body Members publish directories of accredited organizations
  • international recognition through the EA MLA (the multilateral agreement on mutual recognition between EA Members) which enables reports and certificates to be accepted in overseas markets.

Benefits and value for consumers and citizens

National Accreditation Bodies perform assessments of laboratories and certification, verification or inspection bodies (the generic term for these bodies is Conformity Assessment Bodies) in order to confirm their technical competence and impartiality. Therefore accreditation:

  • delivers the objective proof that conformity assessment activities are provided by competent services suppliers
  • helps to ensure that products and services marketed in Europe meet relevant standards of quality and safety
  • increases the range of safe goods and services available on the market.
Update:14.11.2024 15:04